8 Pros of Traveling with (only) a Backpack
I often feel my most controversial travel opinion is that you don’t need a suitcase or roller bag when traveling overseas. You’re probably even reading this, thinking I’m crazy and forming your argument about how you couldn’t possibly fit all of your things inside a single backpack. But I promise you can! Please store your skepticism in the overhead compartment or securely under your seat while I explain the pros of traveling with only a backpack.

1) No Lost Bags
This reason is probably the biggest one for me. I hate checking bags. I don’t trust airlines, and anytime I ever have to check a bag, I wait nervously at the baggage carousel each time just knowing they’ve lost all of my belongings. While I’ve never actually lost a bag, I have heard stories that have haunted me – especially among fellow international travelers, and on budget airlines. I think part of that is giving airlines a chance to lose my bags as rarely as possible by going the route of carry-on only.
2) Shorter Wait Times
I cannot stand waiting at baggage carousels. As soon as I land in a new place, I’m filled with excitement and anticipation, antsy to get out and explore. Baggage carousels just seem to take forever and put more time between the world and me. Plus, they’re crowded and swarming with people who are similarly nervous that they won’t get their bags. I very rarely choose to check my bag, but I’ve been forced to do so on some very full flights where I’ve tried to carry on a roller bag. Downsizing to a backpack minimizes your chances of a forced checked bag and takes up less room on the plane. Win/win.

3) Cheaper Flights
Unless you have status, airlines typically charge you to check a bag, meaning a large suitcase could add an extra $30+ USD to your ticket price. If you’re trying to go a little cheaper with a budget airline like Ryan Air or Spirit, they’re going to charge you for anything that won’t fit under your seat as well – meaning you can say goodbye to some of those savings if you have a roller bag. However, if you’re traveling with a backpack that can fit under your seat, you can pass on those savings to other parts of your trip.
4) Ease of Navigation
Raise your hand if you love trying to navigate a crowded airport or street with a roller bag? How about having people trip over your bags? Anyone? That’s what I thought. While a backpack takes up some space, it’s much easier to lug around than a suitcase or roller bag. Plus, if you do accidentally knock into someone with your backpack, you’ll have a faster getaway than you would with a roller bag.

5) Forced to Pack Only What You’ll Use
Believe me, I understand the temptation of packing everything you think might possibly want on a trip. I always want to take an extra three dresses/shirts/jeans just in case I decide I want to wear something different. But when you only have a backpack, you don’t have the luxury of space. However, this is actually a positive because you end up only packing what you’re going to wear and don’t end up sorting through a bunch of unnecessary items every day.
6) Know Exactly Where Everything is Located
Similarly, limited space means packing requires strategy. Strategy means you’re going to know exactly where everything is located in your bag. You won’t be rustling around in your bag for that hat you swear you packed because you’ll know the only place it would fit was folded up in the side pocket.

7) Confuse People by Only Having One Bag
Nothing beats the confusion followed by (I assume) admiration from other passengers, airport and hotel employees and taxi drivers when they ask where your bags are, and you explain to them that these are your bags. It makes you feel very cool. Trust me.
8) Feel Like a Pioneer by Carrying Everything on Your Back
You’ll know that if you ever have to go on a quest, you can get by with only what you can carry on your back. And really, isn’t that something we all need to test one day?